Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Missed me? I did!

Thanks for all the comments on previous post, I was unable to access the internet for more than a week because of our move. The internet provider has some kind of policy that when you move it take 8 business days for them to press a button in their computer that the new address has access to the internet. And if you call customer service they say it's because of this department in their company determines that, and that department does not take customer calls.. The only thing is, that they forgot to mention it when we moved. Oh well.. at least they stuck to their 8 business days which meant that as of this morning they did press that button on their end and I am back!
And to honor my return I show you what I meant earlier with the beautiful colored skies they have here. This photo I took on Halloween (10/31) at 4:30 p.m. And since Halloween was here almost a full week later I still feel I have the right to post it on my blog. And welcome back to my blog for those that did miss me.


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