Sunday, October 09, 2005

No sleep till... Sweden

With my bed taken apart (see photo) and my mattresses brought to the dump for which I had to pay $14.00 per mattress, is there not that much sleep for me until I will arrive in Sweden on Friday.I have already slept in my home on my camping mattress, that served me well during several camping trips in the past. But it was not a great success to sleep in your home on a thin little camping mattress without the fresh air of the outdoor living. Yes, it is quite a different experience. If I didn't have my tent moved, I might even consider going to a campsite and sleep there. But tomorrow the movers will pack everything and load it into a sea container. All that will be left for the last few days here are my suitcases. And... my laptop to keep you updated on my move. I'm tired already. But then again, I did organize everything for the movers to take out what should be moved. To be continued...


At Mon Oct 10, 03:29:00 PM PDT, Blogger Agnes said...

Oh my. I'm sure this will provide much fuel for fodder.
You will arrive a month before your belongings.

I hope all goes well and you are soon sleeping on a soft, warm mattress. (in the middle of the day because your internal clock will be a mess)

Cheers to you friend. Bon voyage!


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