Thursday, October 06, 2005

Coming weekend

These photos I took a little while back, but it will give you an idea of what I will be doing this weekend. And with my move coming up it will be a long time before I can go there -as in Happy Hollow- again.

And the reason I'll be going there is because Sydney loves animals. She just can't get enough of every animal that exists and the fact that she can pet all the goats is the best that she can think of. And then there are some merry-go-rounds that she enjoys too. Maybe she can get to ride the little train again. By the way the cute little boy is Aiden, the son of a friend of mine.


At Sat Oct 08, 01:21:00 PM PDT, Blogger Agnes said...

Oh she is so very beautiful! Isn't it great when they're at the age that they are fascinated by everything around them?
Opens your eyes too.

Good for her with her animal wonderment. It is a kindness that will remain with her throughout her life.


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