Friday, August 05, 2005

Time to say goodbye

A little while back I wrote something very positive about NeoCounter and how much I liked the scrolling counter and all. Well that was then. All free things come for a price, and this free counter comes for a price too high for me. After 2 weeks of trial use they make the counter, that looks nice in it's original form, look like a circus attraction. They pause the counter for a couple of minutes and attach a huge google advertisement banner to it. And do this twice for the online visitors and the total visitors.. So the image I show you here shown twice below eachother in the sidebar that was too much for me to deal with. So I'm sorry but I have to say goodbye to it. I will miss the cute flags of Macedonia and Guam that used to come up at the end of the scrolling list for their resp. 2 and 1 visitors, but even I do have an eye for aesthetics. We'll miss you.


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